Tuesday, April 26, 2005

ambiguous dialect (working notes April 26

Tuesday, April 26

words adhere to an image | visiting acquired tripod | “popsicle toes “ | was Basil to Berman,
her dancing ? | Bruce Conner |Breakaway | 1966 | film location between as entirely
concept | Tanka interest: fragments simulate framing | bug bites on chin | drawing chairs
from left to right: ballpoint pen on paper |Figure 44: chairs with desk lamp | geologist
collecting minerals | cave maps | Spinoza: “The more an image is associated with many
other things, the more often it flourishes” | hotels on knitting | disrobes, is walking down |
“prohibiting the eye from resting anywhere” | slideshows | month is statistics,
hurtling interviews | whether minutes rehearse in linen | dredge rummage, ferrule

Ray Craig