Monday, June 13, 2005

Vagina Tattooed with Baby Daughter's Head

Albert Camus the goalkeeper now a Vagabond Sisyphian
shakes his tail feather and a finger at the foreboding sky

slope brambles with unexpected finches, flirtatious nipples
distract hypnotist in his sleep when clothes become memory

timephiltripping care pack: Electric Ladyland for Antonin Artaud
glimpses down to bats flying out of his orange shit
wind howls "take me away" to slippers disentangling purse strings

wound susceptible to incision condemns
tattoed ears that reorbit on silver spikes

name-droppings fall from the ether in roman letters
"people with your name want to hurt our people"

cinema invokes loss: "in darkness infinite touch the heart's edge"
for clarity: recipient: add line; cc: hold back

he names baby daughter after ex-girlfriend
to give his tattoo significance again

the pope is a queen of costume, actor of infallibly broken condoms
old Chinese woman sweeps hair with apology

around the sound town, meditation evaluation
a cyclical fusion of shoulder confusion
yet there is a gap between his legs

damatte mikan muku: film tenants collect sparse amulets
Akabane Baka Matsuri: Cross-dressing Matsuken Samba, ole'

you're allowed not to partake
but only while you're asleep

para la claridad: recipiente: agregue la linea; cc: sostenga detrĂ¡s
The critical bird haphazardly will win the funky girl tomorrow

take the pain away: medicine woman
contestant strapped in car seat endure underwater rotisserie

bee blossom bosom buddies
Cutey Honey and Barbarella

glass gems snarl at blue
finches deleting our memory

Artaud smeared in clarity excrete orange droppings
purifying platinum bouquet eternal day returns

Willie Nelson hums, "nothing but blue skies" under her skirt
parting plums: tongue soil "with a hundred patches"

a tin pan alley tune wafts to a tinpany symphony valley
"half-free people are nazis, like chatting Disney animals"

she hums at snapping brains, lovers licks rip drum skins
t-shirt appearance adds "Big Youth" in stencil

slithering through a tympany symphony valley of lentils
if you'd wiped ass, you would've made the day shift
attach firmly to nostril as horse farts

smoker, one-eyed joker, rope-a-doper do!
her panty string unravels around his ears

two bodies supported by four legs
one gynecologist with three jock boxes and 5 Jacks

sits under an acacia tree stroking her shady thoughts
chair swivels to airplane visits
mid thrust gust elevation dandelion

sucks velocity from bird-chirping solos
her severed legs tethered to a mattress monkey groping for more

June 2005

Taylor Mignon, John Solt and Ray Craig