Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Cassette Swimsuits (working notes December 6

Tuesday, December 6

Buck Rogers Rocket Pistol XZ-35: Daisy (1930s)
Buck Rogers Disintegrator Pistol XZ-39: Daisy (1930s)
Buck Rogers Atomic Pistol U-235: Daisy (1940s)

pressed steel with copper finish

G-Man Sparking Automatic: Marx (1940s) with box

Atom Ray Gun: Hiller (late 1940s) cast aluminum and brass

Atomic Gun, lithographed tin and plastic: Haji (1960s)

Baby Space Gun, lithographed tin: Daiya (1960s) with box

Space Control Gun, lithographed tin: T.N. (1950s)
Space Jet, lithographed tin and plastic: K.O. (1960s)


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