Sunday, March 26, 2006

Cassette Swimsuits (working notes March 26

Sunday, March 26

9 minutes contact repeat includes similar converting begin apartment return evidence whoever of difficult else forward provide this traffic as change interior with weather ending near kilometers an hour generally warmer wet subway map set the moon will report accessory outlet microphone left channel volume knob at the same release left caps tape possible ambulance directly convenient what hand tell boats require is in location door paragraph pocket strap thrash garnished exhale biscuit both numeral obtain relating to plant start mostly narrow extends from humidity having article before individual there house with some aprons function as dozen following with stage except loop before unspecified hours by 8 minutes consume two pages clearly lips speaking as a gesture existing machine alignment of further rented readers adjust hoist swag act as option lettuce arm wrong notebook pencil chair take point plug as tongue corner moisture apparently noticeable beside another preface during that glance stir new furniture arrange knees face jowl as they step down for coffee this green entrance jacket blockage twine paper entire complete consisting trout to avoid jumble group speech which separate knots from a term and movement maintenance excessive as in construction bone card skim earliest chemistry exceed lounge beside hitting top furthermore plant added mixture remove plastic factory dispersed 7 minutes trying told everything they display imperative dancers intuitive questions fonts formed respond interim example doesn’t open coal reaction to second emphasis no voice often in conversation explain aesthetic primarily space luminous cold with theatrical sculptures through tunnel aspects package page using a trout van on fire Ashby exit difficult to complicate room involves grid composition disrupting instead it more an abundance intend to measure distance duplicate public benches active inhabitants stir twine consult electricity to assert installation either test immediately in fact the streets urgent both because fashion at this drawing pulp dispersals outline soap furniture is almost crow clothes close pencil where at sound mist next to rouge hairpins suppose cliffs alignment notebook of point take plug pencil moisture adjust chair further arm pillow fragrant eyebrows swarm insects approach closes page permit accurate signal about to glean scrap was exact from an exceeding 6 minutes parallel to foliage Misora Hibari in romaji taste hand climate leaves mean mistakes trace sentence samba corrosion dish instruction 6 minutes man with suitcase preparing puppet show on Haight no one stops on their way to Amoeba paint choices door isn’t green enough another grid notebook $4 someone starts talking block with groove to insert things so pleasant to see marginal bleat abdomen single closure project to catalog emitting from the adjacent room do not taste the leaves for three minutes refrain from moving mouth, fifty swimsuits inevitable guitar tattoo on her right wrist she’s counting back change “Stratocaster” she says “your hands are cold, go away” ½ acre $2000 Belen, New Mexico “train tickets collected by” Knife City, Two Guns frost in sunlight 45 boxed sets containing nine sheets Hashi Yukio: Che Che Che 1964 orange people “there is some tape residue on them” menko sheet uncut Tetsujin-28


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