Monday, April 04, 2005



> tsunami poet picks up amputee rabbit's penis stub
> stud muffin medicine new-half double mojo to go
> scraping incites cleavage
> infection smears with surgical scent
> cows, camels, horses & wild boars on the road to Taj Mahal
> all piggy back
> transplanting implants
> 1 step
> forward
> 2 back
> cat fetches bangle
> they have headphones, do you?

> underage drinkers under the table sucking up whipped Hopis
> fad gadget warp holes collapsing neupeople dah dah dah dah dah
> adolescent beverage tongue spooks pedestrian
> Neck Face besieged by pavement, abandons skin
> scissors cut detergent, extract scraping as discarded cleavage
> up in arms, underarms, sweeping broom seascape
> false flashes for limbs gropingly replaced by fish fins
> families have access to their aquarium patients
> until arches reflected in waves turn to rubble
> McDrowning with stone kidney anchors: Ronald's nose floats
> inflicted by subway minutes, excessive salmon splotch plate
of tom and lettuce, missing animal's eye smokes velvet rising moons
> ambrosia cumulus bud in the balloon bong is blown-choked,
> exhaling charred insects: biologist impose vertical surface injuries
> at Coffee and Condoms he stubs his toe on a genital
> General oval pool shaped spout pumpkin head sweats beets
> kogeta waishatsu hada ni chirabaru (burnt shirt scatters on skin)
> displace surface, fold as fabric overlapping
> her missing clothes reflect in the misty motorcycle mirror
> the steel skeleton of a forsaken town glimmers dully in tragic Mignonian mode
> "ice-skating lesson, we meet the seemingly Craig family at the rink"
> under honeyed cockroaches scampering laundry speaks volumes

> jismatically jocular, skull scooping salmon
> one-man occult oozing orange oboe
> happy homage: lips lacerate locust
> nude nihilist: tongue toasting tits
> sophisticated simply jalousie jacket
> orb of omnipussy offering oolong
> lights love: hypnotist habituates his hands
> transcendental troubadour nibbling Netsuke

> dire statistics released in bathtub bubbles
> a balding trite reads and eats rainbow trout
> it's fun in reverse, beverage blur, delicately wasabi
> porn couple stars in a remake of "Born Horny"
> while playboy honey bunnies are humped by giant killer bees
> comic mimics transvestite, crossing skirt, her leg sips up
> scrap peeling from skin, tears tether to vague cluster
> Van Gogh studies Rembrandt munching bread crumbs
John Solt, Taylor Mignon and Ray Craig