Sunday, May 01, 2005

Repeat Airplane Message

Repeat Airplane Message


sincerely 9 versions |Dirty Harry rhythm in One One Cocoa | Sunshine Showdown she’s
not 28 | plates mixed by King Tubby | vocalist receives interiors | Zhang Ziyi arrives
as the nearest complexion | 2046 tend to fixation | 10:36: police sirens on Skyline | Wei,
records were available | sporadically melodica | lamp stains consolidate skin, hospital
across the street someone is crossing | instead of taking a shower, she prefers to squat |
dispensing plumage | Claude Ponti: L’ALBUM D’ADELE | du 16 juillet 1949 | horizontal rabbit
with 4 ears | banana insects | plumage understanding nest calls | spring, as being cite spouse
suspense | dispense memory in lake routines | explain in uneasiness: husband visits sick wife


Murnau | Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans | 1927 | traffic accelerates clarinet | venerable
music, half years flattop | husband rowing boat, hunched | 9 and one more | dialect pushes walk |
miso-ramen to gohan, Sapporo-ya | “outlines were often edged with white gouaches for
further emphasis” | abekku ramen tabe nagara, futari de shinbun yonde iru | equivalent to 5 hours |
calculus clothes everywhere explain vocals | cat concern: head stuck in bottle | disproportionate
clientele depending on weather, warm exercises | tattoos were 45 | Egon Schiele appropriates
bedroom | Drawing a Nude Model Before a Mirror | 1910 | Pencil | unsolicited maps | inherently
orange droppings | aquarium exposure, paper piano | students indulge in speaking Japanese


record: entirely utterances, uptown toasters | is another | light, not because entertainment
plank | husband leaves tongue | sitting since address room , please explain
design in pencil | 5 with vacant | Aruku Hito | Taniguchi Jiro | 1947 | swimmers soak in fluorescent attendance | complete bicycle peddling up the hill | films referred to in dialect | footnotes
appear on right margin | “eliminating the benshi allowed the industry to expand” | los estudiantes complacen en japonés de discurso | clothes everywhere on weather | venerable dialect inherently
Japanese | preocupación del gato: la cabeza se pegó en botella | she prefers to squat,
dispensing plumage


words adhere to an image | visiting acquires tripod | “popsicle toes “ | was Basil to Berman,
her dancing ? | Bruce Conner |Breakaway | 1966 | film location between as entirely
concept | Tanka interest: fragments simulate framing | bug bites on chin | drawing chairs
from left to right: ballpoint pen on paper |Figure 44: chairs with desk lamp | geologist
collecting minerals | cave maps | Spinoza: “The more an image is associated with many
other things, the more often it flourishes” | hotels on knitting disrobes, is walking down |
“prohibiting the eye from resting anywhere” | slideshows | month is statistics,
hurtling interviews | whether minutes rehearse in linen | dredge rummage, ferrule


stores one can illustrate | display consumption: cinematic before “Hachigatsu no Nureta
Pantsu” | 1983 | mock popular instruction | 45 pages require poem: possible sadness |
Hashutsujo no Himitsu | female accident comedy | 1970s was Adachi Mitsuru | exclusively
design next door | genkan garatto aketa | discontent with lamp embrace | readers
involve cleavage, unexpected despair explores woman between camera | possibilities
in fashion | face breaks into victim | Weekly Margaret | 1973 | drawing aesthetic silhouettes
in August: abrupt realism with pineapple | depicting coherence, they prefer | instead
aisles arrive unframed


musicians visit their trip prompted by film | allusive aisles close fabric in footage | room
disperse: new attempt as defective evidence | snatch nuisance | Chagall begins with
skull | letting weather blend with skin | themselves settle, strings, nasturtiums between pencil
and window | bruise folds in half | aquarium extends tongue | spine plates revolving, careful,
which is language | words adhere to her dancing | Ueta Fragrance | Your flight back from Chicago
arrives aligned with seaweed fragrance soaking in someone's soup | even leaving becomes rain,
carnival sequins | she says another haircut | musicians disperse cleavage | hours expected pond |
concept from left to right collecting vocals


crumpled iridescent sketch: pavement | students studying | very was his street | roller rink
rapping crew | some notes are complete funk | “twins born three months apart” | hop jams to
cover | records now in people fake naps | “someone sampled it” | business background: radio |
turntable specifics | speaking dadanese | polar percussive | units complete in frame |
title walk | suppose quickly changes beneath building, an elevator | smears furniture on
floor | room between pencil folds aquarium in cleavage | film evidence prompts fabric to lps
sloshing bodies when | dead animal rip on wall | chairs on paper | her bare shoulders,
her complexion wrapped in skin requirements


analog clothing in red silhouette| where swimmers morning laps| brief and an entire costume
when out crunk, Memphis crunk | crunk fact: 600,00 records | Wash | $1.25 | Dry | $1.25 |
Ozu Yasujiro | 1903 – 1963 | nansensu | nonsense| measure camera to floor| Hara Setsuko
betrayed cinema | daughter visits Mother in hospital | distortion corrected by appealing to
Prince Far I| movement attracts intimacy | what trout, umbrella with uncertainty confirms she
touches hair all day | perhaps, design | “I am interested mostly in sound and rhythm--the
combination of them leads to structure” | “Xenakis pupil” scrapes with precision | and
however version satisfying a few


folds aquarium on paper | partially in which | Adrian Sherwood promises dub | moth
totems locate dialect | leaves compromise in gravity | Tokyo schedule supporting Europe |
trouser fractured in realism interrupts space | open to Annette | cassette covers | for
what delicate tobacco | drone sprawling across Foetus with guests | composition concept
of past modernist: Gertrude Stein | film corrupts skin | Pablo plates choosing silhouette
collages| difference briefly became hospital fragments| absorb cutting attempts|
evidence is probably eucalyptus | interest with memorable bleeding, tar bubbles | repeat
airplane message

Ray Craig