Sunday, April 02, 2006

Cassette Swimsuits (working notes April 2

Sunday, April 02


coincide with. kilometers accumulate. in accidents. fabric extends. optional with. dialect is. souvenirs. complete with. apprehended by. arrives. with. diagrams of various sitting postures. accrete foliage. extremities prompt. is. occurs as. immediate recognition. room interrupted by. implicit in. insisting "recur repeatedly" easily dispensed. eclipse left table. immerse themselves in sadness. with 2 voices cling to. easily entertained. with promise. unexpected occupant. extracted from. available in vinyl. plates acquire. emerge complete. abrupt with occupants. explain absence. clothes photographed in. how many. visual requirement. between bracelet and constant clearing. insert. always vertical. halves receive. ice-coffee is specific. knee infection. awkward swim. interlaced with. she's talking. in her shirt. arms complicate. with fold. visibility plates lock. with her posture immersed in lamp. accumulate. incision clarifies. acoustic preference. aisles diminish to. room is. respond with. waitress with her hair combed short. eleven. thought applies. with foliage. specific to. begins with. as they walk. furniture with. lamp. attached to. kilometers provoke absence. trimmed with. aisles remain imminent. with acacias. emerge as. coffee in particular. inserted in. subway. dialect is diagram. explain constant clearing. how many arms in incision. postures interrupted in. attached to.


Blogger Ray Craig said...

accumulate in accidents.
complete with.

implicit in. insisting
subway. dialect.

11:27 PM  

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