Sunday, February 24, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
drawings extracted from notebook 5 - they depart with a kiss (1999/2008)

in the direction of
kuchizuke ( kisses) as toba khedoori
crowd tethers to exit t-shirt direction
airport detergent
“wife flirts” cleavage
“she doesn’t say anything”
Labels: poem
In a Lonely Place (1950)

Denise Liddell Lawson: Where You Form The Letter L
page 49: four people in a plot for two
Taylor Brady: Yesterday’s News
page 18: Do people set their fires to fit the lack of smoke?
page 208: four fields underneath one house
Labels: film
Rififi (1954)

The Bunnys: Let’s Go Shake (1967)
The Carnabeats: Sukisa Sukisa Sukisa (1967)
Yuzo Kayama: Kimi to Itsumademo Yozora no Hoshi (1966)
The Tempters: Junai (1968)
The Tigers: Seaside Bound (1967)
The Tigers: Romance in the Milky Way (1968)
The Wild Ones: Omoide no Nagisa (1966)
Jackey Yoshikawa & The Blue Comets: My Lonely First Love (1966)
The Golden Cups: Hiwa Mata Noburu (1967)
The Golden Cups: Jezebel (1967)
The Spiders: Furi Furi (1966)
The Spiders: No No Boy (1966)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Action of Sterno-mastoid

Late Spring: Collaboration with Yuan Chen (779-831)
evening swallows keep twittering by the curtain
thought muddles in vague kisses
sparrows squabble, stir up ghost on the steps
of cleavage opening easily as mouth
hips and insects smear on tongue
evening wind closes gate
quietly flowers fall but no one comes
Yuan Chen and Ray Craig
Labels: anatomy, late spring, poem
Movements of Neck

version 2
she spoke softly during her kiss, her words inaudible
in the crowded courtroom incision clarifies the wound she
made no comments to a group of reporters as she left a sentence
with its stitches removed
Earl Hines, 1929, Have you ever felt that way?
she arrived about 10 minutes before her kiss, wearing her words inaudible in a gray suit she
made no audible comments
a note from Lester - "I'll shave your door next week"
Hollows above the Collar-bone

how many lake routines in memory
how many address in Marilyn Monroe
how many geese by coil tatter slope
how many kisses in soap
how many leave tongue sitting in her address
how many inseparable dancers strewn about
how many tangerines delay in kiss
how many corridors assume value in narrow properties
how many swimsuits in dance
how many lettuce will she offer
Movements of Neck

version 3
she arrived about 10 minutes before her kiss
wearing her words inaudible in a gray suit she made no audible comments
Earl Hines, 1929, Have you ever felt that way?
a note from Lester - "I'll shave your door next week"
she spoke softly during her kiss
her words inaudible in the crowded courtroom
she made no comments to a group of reporters as she left a sentence with its stitches removed
incision clarifies the wound
version 4
45 days ago she arrived about 10 minutes before her kiss
31 days ago wearing her words inaudible in a gray suit she made no audible comments
29 days ago Earl Hines, 1929, Have you ever felt that way?
28 days ago she receives a note from Lester - "I'll shave your door next week"
12 days ago she spoke softly during her kiss
9 days ago her words inaudible in the crowded courtroom
5 days ago she made no comments to a group of reporters as she left a sentence with its stitches removed
3 days ago incision clarifies the wound