Three Collections at the Risk of Repetition

do they sell chopsticks at Disneyland?
do they converge in absence?
do they lock their leaves and anticipate kilometers?
do they immerse their casuals in soap?
do they separate with pause?
do they tinge their table with plates?
do they know Hon Lin closes at 9:30?
do they dispute their skin?
do they disturb their smiles in anonymity?
do they emerge in clothes purchased after the war?
do they accumulate in accidents?
do they “want to multiply, even at the risk of repetition?”
do they isolate in beverage?
do they acquire between dance rehearsals?
do they arrive in Japanese speaking their favorite dialects?
do they avoid summer for ten years?
do they insert during cleavage?
33 days ago: her skin on an escalator
25 days ago: walk 10 minutes to Shimbashi Station
24 days ago: she was asked to sign a picture
09 days ago: Internet cafe at Shimbashi
12 days ago: kendo practice, stop in floral shop
35 days ago: find myself in Shimbashi with an hour before 6
05 days ago: haiku clients speaking tea
46 days ago: selling reggae clothes in Osaka
13 days ago: volleyball girl flips in mid air before she spikes
25 days ago: 20 anatomy questions wrapped in twine
61 days ago: “a dog which you have never had before has sighed”
11 days ago: proposal: wild geese gasp from her nipples
04 days ago: waitress avoids Shimbashi dwarf in his hotel room
33 days ago: feet sitting in her address
24 days ago: sumo practice in August
27 days ago: succulence implicit in climate
31 days ago: beverage stain crops stadium map
88 days ago: instead of taking a shower, she prefers to squat
63 days ago: asking clearly with plate, as she platter t-shirt plums
17 days ago: deceived by adhesive trimmings
11 days ago: door appears smaller in ice
91 days ago: shirts have tongue: “we are merely servants”
55 days ago: souvenirs stray, partials deceive skin
67 days ago: Hara Sestuko occurs in conversation
82 days ago: cassette scraping on pavement
73 days ago: deceived by cleavage, she wasn’t
89 days ago: exacting shirt with Chinese contortionist
Hara Setsuko is horrified to discover her mother is pregnant
Hara Setsuko tells her husband that her mother has just had a baby and he’s the father
Hara Setsuko arrives at the hospital to take her mother home
Hara Setsuko duplicates daughter, permitting herself to film
Hara Setsuko opens the menu with her hair combed short
Hara Setsuko is bathing in beverage with cassettes pasted on her wet skin
Hara Sestuko contains tangerine scars
Hara Sestuko disappears from the morgue
Hara Sestuko is suitable to endorse The Mongolian Cow Sour Yogurt Super Girl Contest
Hara Sestuko flips in mid air before she spikes
Hara Sestuko admits after a bath
Hara Sestuko participates beverage in class
Hara Sestuko easily irritated by anatomy questions
Hara Sestuko subscribes to sumo practice in August
Hara Sestuko prepares her spine on paper
Hara Sestuko inserts film
Hara Sestuko concedes to detergent package